My apologies to professional photographers because these are mobile phone photos. I needed to capture latitude and longitude of the photographs for locating in Google Photos. When I paint, I study the light. I can recall the sun angle and position of the photo with mapping software.

The locations I visited belong to the coast or crest of California. Which has the most remarkable scenery.  I have tried to capture photographs of scenes that I can paint later in studio. In a word, these are the best of my best vacation photographs. When my wife and I travel, we capture many pictures.  Inspiration and reference come from these landscape photos and they will hopefully become paintings in watercolor at some point. 

Coast Gallery

Click to expand photo and show caption.

panoramic view of long shadows and sun setting over harbor surrounded by hills
Late afternoon view of dock and shoreline from Avila Beach, CA. Google Photos at 35.171211, -120.756012
wide beach below cliffs and hills on a cloudy day at the coast of California
Pacific Ocean shoreline looking North from beach at Conception, CA. Google Earth at 34.460144, -120.473206

Crest Gallery

Click to expand photo and show caption.


photographers lined up in early morning before sunrise at viewpoint in Yosemite National Park
Tunnel View overlook at dawn in December with photographers lined up to capture the snowy mountains and growing light. Google Earth at 37.715645, -119.677155
tall conifers below huge rock mountains with waterfall in winter
Panoramic photo of Yosemite Falls and mountains above Yosemite Valley. Google Photos at 37.744817, -119.579155